Research Focus
MSK Care
To develop data-driven clinical-decision support platforms to assist with clinical care of patients with a range of musculoskeletal disorders
To develop advanced matching techniques to predict health trajectory and recommend personalized treatment plan based on large-scale historic data
To develop comprehensive multi-modal models to simulate treatment outcomes based on large-scale historic data
To investigate the normal and pathologic development of joints and tissues
To study the effects of intrinsic (e.g., sex, genetics) and extrinsic (e.g., physical activity) factors on joint and tissue development
To study the effect of joint morphology on joint function, risk of injury and response to treatment
To use imaging to non-invasively study tissue health and structural properties
To identify imaging biomarkers to track tissue risk of injury
To identify imaging biomarkers to track tissue remodeling and response to treatment
Injury Risk Prediction &
Treatment Planning
To identify intrinsic and extrinsic contributors to risk of musculoskeletal injuries
To develop risk screening models to predict the risk of injuries
To identify factors influencing treatment outcomes to facilitate proper treatment planning
Pediatric MSK Care
Access & Equity
To study inequality in care of children, adolescents and young adults with a range of musculoskeletal disorders
To develop tools to make musculoskeletal care more accessible, affordable and equitable among children, adolescents and young adults